
Joplin Tornado – What’s happening here
May 23, 2011, 5:59 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

The big news in our part of the world is the storms last night that ripped through Southwest Missouri. We were in our storm shelter for a good while riding out the wicked weather, but the worst of it (so far as I know) hit Joplin. This is a photograph of  the hospital where the roof was blown off and all the windows were shattered.

That’s a helicopter you see in the photo foreground; it’s demolished!  The hospital only had 5 minutes notice to get patients to safety. After the tornado people in the community started running to the hospital to help. Citizen volunteers were helped CARRY patients out to cars and then drove them to other hospitals.  People miles and miles away are finding Xrays, personal photographs, etc. in their yards.

Outside the hospital we could see smoke billowing out; last I knew they thought it might be liquid O2 leaking.

Remember, this is just the hospital. The entire community was affected.  So far, 89 people are found dead. As we find out today what happened, please remember everyone in your prayers!