
Planting By The Moon

Best days this month to plant above-ground crops: May 3, 4, 8, 9, 14-17.

Best days to transplant: 8, 9, 16, 17

You may think I am nuts, but years ago when I found out about planting by the moon & zodiac I thought, well, it might help and can’t hurt so let me give it a try.  Result? I actually did notice a positive improvement in the crops that I was able to maintain this discipline with.

Like (probably) all you I don’t have a lit of extra time and sometimes a person has gotta plant what you can when you can. Or sometimes we are limited by the weather. For instance, I didn’t get all my root crops planted at the best time because of all the rain we had during the waning moon.

Planting by the moon goes like this: According to the almanac, there are 4 “phases” of the moon.

New moon is when it is completely dark.  First quarter is when it is getting lighter; on its way to a full moon.  This is also called “waxing”.  Remember it this way; in the old days when they dipped candles, each time they dipped the candle in wax the candle grew a bit bigger.  Full moon is, well, when it is completely lit up, Last quarter is when it is on its way down (getting darker each night) toward the new moon (completely dark) again. Last quarter is also called “waning”.

During waxing phases of the moon, it is getting lighter and you are supposed to plant above-ground plants. This is the phase we are in now, so now is the time for (your zone appropriate) tomatoes, peppers, etc. I am going to wait another week before planting beans, okra & melons though because they need it warm.

During the waning of the moon (darkening) the energy is lessening and going down into the earth so plant root crops like beets, carrots, turnips, onions, etc.

Planting by zodiac focuses down even further within each moon phase and also takes into consideration where the moon falls on each day within the zodiac.   The signs are linked to either fire, earth, air and water, and may be barren or fruitful.

So, the weather today is sunny, warm and beautiful.  According to the moon and the zodiac its a great day to plant above ground seeds and transplants so get outside and enjoy this mother’s day!