
Sustainability is… having a pet chicken

How did I know several weeks ago when I bought a new young chicken from the chicken man at the local farmer’s market that this little chicken would bond with me and follow me everywhere?  I have been letting her run anywhere she wants to every day but I fear she may get eaten by a pack of dogs that roam through here from time to time, or a fox (there are plenty around here) so starting tomorrow she will have to stay within a safe chicken yard.

Here she is tonight – she knows the sound of the trash can lid coming off where her food is tightly kept so she anxiously hopped up on the trash can, jumped down into the bucket of scratch and started stuffing herself (no pun intended).  I just had to run and get the camera.  She would barely look up long enough for me to get a picture of her cute little beady eyes.

She is jealous of the snake who got his own twitter account and has requested a blog of her own.  I told her she can share this one with me.

By the way, her name is Henny Penny


Chickens – enjoying the rain

April 24; Rain Again.  In fact people all over the area are dealing with flooded basements, uncrossable bridges, and high water areas that make driving impassable.  However, my chickens are really enjoying it.  Here they take a stroll around their yard even in the rain.  I knew turkeys were dumb, and wouldn’t come in out of the rain, but I didn’t know my chickens would do the same.  They were really enjoying the mud and water.