
Magness Pears are ready
August 23, 2011, 9:09 pm
Filed under: Backyard farming, garden journal | Tags: ,

What’s happening in the garden now?  Well the weeds are in some spots as tall as my back!  2 weeks of no mowing or trimming and that’s how fast they grew.  August is the time chiggars are in full force so I don’t dare go out into those weeds.  I need to hire someone to help me mow.

As far as produce, I picked my 2nd box of pears, and that’s just grabbing the low-hanging-fruit.  There are at least 2 more boxes out there but I will get them later.

I have picked TONS of cucumbers this year, but my beans have been sparse.  Also I have picked tons of hot peppers.

Here is a good suggestion.  Yellow banana peppers are EASY to grow, while green sweet peppers are more difficult; I am not sure why.  Green peppers are so expensive in the store too!  So I have found that yellow banana peppers can be substituted in recipes for green and you won’t know the difference!

Stink Bug Attack
August 16, 2011, 6:11 am
Filed under: Backyard farming, garden journal | Tags: ,

I hate these little critters.  This year they decided to leave my cucumbers alone and attack my tomatoes.  AGHHHHHH!

I plated 16 tomato plants, only to find that many are small and going bad just as they ripen.  I tried all the remedies and the only thing that seems to be able to control them is something I got last year from gardens alive called Pyola / pyrethrens.  It is made from chrisanthemum plant and an oil.  However I didn’t buy it in time this year to prevent an infestation.

Lesson learned?  Buy what I need BEFORE I need it so as to have it on hand WHEN I need it.

Record breaking temps this year
August 4, 2011, 5:43 am
Filed under: garden journal

by salvador dali

Dear garden journal,

It is hot!  Yesterday we broke our city’s all time high with 108F.   I have to get home from work and gently water down my rabbits every night.  They actually like it. So, record-breaking floods in April followed by record-breaking temps in August.

Today a cool front expected; only around 98F.  Who would have thought that is a cool spell?

Warrant for his arrest. If you see…
August 1, 2011, 5:30 am
Filed under: Backyard farming, garden journal

Wanted - dead or alive!

I have issued a warrant for this bandit’s arrest.

Last seen in my garden nibbling on pears and tossing the half-eaten fruit to the ground.  He is guilty of taking all 10 of my apples from a new, first-time-fruit-bearing apple tree, and all the almost-ripe peaches from the peach tree.

He is known to have destroyed numerous half-eaten pears and is accused of nibbling on a few almost-ripe tomatoes.

He was last seen in the butternut tree, picking nuts and bouncing them with super-squirrel force off the chicken coop.  He is thought to be armed with a sling-shot and may be dangerous, so be sure to wear a hard-hat and safety goggles if you see him.

Busy Garden!
July 31, 2011, 10:59 am
Filed under: garden journal | Tags: , , ,

Hi everyone! Is your garden keeping you as busy as mine?

Well, not ALL I am processing is from MY garden; I am also taking advantage of the summertime abundance.  So many people say “I can’t afford to eat healthy”.  Humbug!  With a little effort directed toward what’s important (whole foods at a cheap price) a person can do LOTS toward improving their nutrition.

I started a new page devoted to processing the harvest as well as buying seasonal sale-priced foods.  Check it out and tell me what you think:  as well as a twitter account just for this page

What have I been doing this week?  Drying bing cherries!  I don’t have a cherry tree that is old enough to give me fruit  😦  but no worries, cherries are at their best price of the year right now!  $1.99/lb!  If you find them cheaper, let me know and I will post it.

Garden Journal
June 8, 2011, 5:45 am
Filed under: Garden calendar, garden journal | Tags: ,

Daily journal – 6/5/11. this past weekend I:

1. Harvested my Munchkin broccoli from one SQG (square foot garden) and started harvesting Packman broccoli from another SFG.

2. Harvested more Lettuce

3. Harvested Peas growing on vines trailing up the side of several fences

4. Harvested some Swiss Chard

5. Planted sweet potatoes

6. Planted zucchini, straight-neck squash, spaghetti squash and acorn squash

7. Rototilled 3 raised beds

8. Mowed some (there is more than I can keep up with!)