
Ultimate Dog Tease
September 22, 2011, 6:09 am
Filed under: Journal entry

 I like to start the day with something funny & if you like funny animal videos you will love this – short and cute.

Cat Separation Anxiety
September 17, 2011, 10:54 am
Filed under: Journal entry | Tags:

Watching Cat videos

Missing us after vacation, Sammy cat hangs out in the man-cave with the Alpha male, while they both watch cat videos.   If you think I am kidding, I am not!

Sammy also Loves the nature channel and will sit in front of the wide-TV and watch the  African cat documentaries!  He especially loves male lions.   Since Sammy is cross-eyed, maybe I should have named him Clarence (remember the famous  Disney Clarence the Cross-eyed Lion?)

Update from Green Acres…
September 14, 2011, 5:50 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Life's a Beach

 A lot has been happening for the past several weeks and I have gotten lax about keeping up with my blog.  Why is it right when all the booty from our gardens starts to roll in, that’s when things get really crazy-busy?   Well that’s what happened.  We have been traveling, visiting, and enjoying other activities.  Unfortunately that’s also when grass & weeds grow about 12″ per day, and the weather fires up hotter than Hades.

So I did manage to get lots from the garden early in the season , but unfortunately I also lost a lot in August.

But in nature nothing goes to waste so all the neighboring critters and bugs sent out invites to my “community garden” and they cleaned up.  Not without first stinging my husband on the one day he tried to mow through the weeds on the riding mower. Guess the hornets claimed squatter’s rights  to the garden; you can bet it will be a long time till he tries THAT stunt again!

Now I understand the Farmer’s eternal optimistic nature as s/he looks over the crops and promises, next year will be better.

Photo: view from my beach chair on vacation.

Update from Green Acres…